Does Lipedema Mimic Pregnancy?
- Today I’d like to tell you about a paper by Samantha Connolly.
- Samantha Connolly is a physical therapist with a clinic in the seaside village of Spiddal in the West of Ireland.
- She is a Neuromuscular Therapist and a Lymphatic therapist.
- Frustrated by the lack of research linking lipedema with possible hormonal irregularities, Samantha spent a number of years reviewing the literature and wrote an article outlining possible hormonal influences in Lipedema.
- It is her strong hope that this will spark further research in this area.
- The paper is titled: Does lipoedema mimic pregnancy? and it was published in the journal Wounds International in 2022.
- Several people, including Catherine Seo at the Lipedema Project, asked me to review this article, and I’m glad I did. I think you will find it very interesting.
Mentioned in this episode:
A Heart to Heart Collaborative Community Event
Join our sixth annual lipedema virtual Event on March 31, April 1 & 2, 2023.